Friday, February 25, 2011

9 Weeks To Go.....

Student Teaching. Man, there is nothing like working for three and a half years to become a teacher and then wondering...humm do I really want to do this with my life? That is the question I have been pondering for the last few weeks. I love to read and I love to express myself through writing and literature, but am I passionate enough about English to teach this 'subject' to students everyday??? I DON'T KNOW! Hopefully after these nine weeks I will have the answer to that question.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


It is so weird that I am married. It is also weird that I am about to begin student teaching (an experience that I have been preparing for for the past three and a half years). I wish I was more excited about student teaching. So far my 'observations' of teaching is nothing like I thought it would be. (Not surprising, life always seems to be like this). I am ready to make a difference, to work hard at something everyday. I want to make God proud and glorify him with my every moment. Easier said than done. I am hoping and praying that with each new day I will learn how to better glorify God with my moments. Whether I am simply making dinner for Bruce, doing laundry (weird, all of a sudden I am a housewife) and with each day I am at school I give my all to connect with my students.

So I am learning. Learning how to be married..this so far has been fun:) And learning how to be a 'teacher'. What I am finding is that both learning how to be a loving and serving wife, and learning how to be an encouraging and engaging teacher will be a life long lesson. Humm, I bet I will not be bored often.