Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Nothing to Write About :)

I haven't blogged in a while, and I haven't really had the time.  Well I haven't made the time.  For the past few weeks Mark has been getting about 5 teeth in all and once and it has been a little rough on him (and mommy!)  Finally, it seems that the teeth have finally broken through and things have gotten better.  I have learned as a momma that everything is a phase.  That if you can just make it through the  "no sleeping phase," the  "teething phase," the "terrible twos phase" that things will get better.  This has worked for me.  Taking life moment by moment and day by day getting through the so called phase is much more bearable then thinking about this parenting thing I'm doing for the next 18+ years of my life.

Enough about mom stuff.  So I wanted to write something today, even though I don't have much to say because I miss that feeling when you create something out of nothing.  When I used to work I had the  responsibility to plan classes, events, and meaningful time for my students to learn.  I miss that.  I also miss high school ceramic class.  Taking a glob of mushy clay and turing it into a vase, cup ,bowl, or funky Christmas ornament.  I miss creating something out of nothing.  I hope that I am doing this parenting thing well, and that someday Mark will be a strong little boy who loves the Lord.  That would be fun to "create."  (He sounds like he is waking up from his nap now.  I hope he goes back to sleep!  Come on give me another hour!)

Well, I'm reading The Signature in the Cell, good stuff.  Complicated, over my head biology and chemistry but really good stuff.  If you are interested in becoming knowledgeable about the DNA enigma (as the author puts it) you should check it out!  The information in DNA had to come from somewhere, but scientists are still trying to figure out the source of the information.  It is awesome how science is pointing to a Creator (if you're willing to open yourself up to the possibility of intelligent design.)  That's all I got for today.  I don't think my baby is going back to sleep; which is a bummer because we will be up late tonight at a church service...oh well!

Glad I at least got to 'create' this small blog post!

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